Two New Photovoltaic Projects | 90MWp
The processes for the construction of two Photovoltaic Projects by EDF Renewables Hellas with a total installed capacity of 90MWp are in progress.
The construction of the project “Kokkithari I & II”, with a total installed capacity of 30MWp, which is located in the Municipality of Thebes, of the Regional Unit of Viotia, began in 2021, while its completion is estimated to be taking place in 2022.

The Photovoltaic Project, “Loutsa”, with a total installed capacity of 60MWp which is located in the Municipality of Livadia, of the Regional Unit of Viotia, is under construction as of August 2021. The project will be connected to a new high voltage substation via a new transmission line of 1.5 kilometers, while its electrification is expected to be completed by the end of 2022.