
0MWAlogomandria Kalamos Megalovouna EEN VIOTIA ENERGY S.A. The Wind Farms ‘Alogomagria-Kalamos-Megalovouna’ are considered as one project located at the Municipality of Orchomenos, Region of Viotia, Sterea Ellada which started its operation in 2009. The three wind farms were constructed in neighboring areas and are connected at the same HV Substation, having an installed capacity of…


0MWAsprochomata VOREAS ENERGIAKI S.A. The Wind Farm ‘Asprochomata’ is located at the Municipality of Distomo-Arachova-Antikyra, Region of Viotia, Sterea Ellada. Asprochomata project was constructed in two phases. The first phase has an installed capacity of 2,55 MW and consists of 3 Vestas wind turbines V52 850kW operating since 2007. The second phase has an installed…

Stroggyli Koryfi

0MWStroggyli Koryfi AIOLIKI MOUSOURON S.A. The Wind Farm ‘Stroggyli Koryfi’ is located at the Municipality of Platanias, Region of Chania, Crete, operating since 2011. Stroggyli Koryfi has an installed capacity of 2,55 MW consisting of 3 Vestas wind turbines V52 850kW with the average annual production exceeding 7,5GWh. The project allows saving around 9.180 tn…


0MWMelissi AIOLIKI LAFKOU SINGLE MEMBER S.A. The Wind Farm ‘Melissi’ is located at the Municipality of Thiva, Region of Viotia, Sterea Ellada, operating since 2012. Melissi project has an installed capacity of 24 MW consisting of 8 Vestas wind turbines V90 3MW with the average annual production close to 56GWh. The project allows saving around…


0MWTrikorfo AIOLIKI LAFKOU SINGLE MEMBER S.A. The Wind Farm ‘Trikorfo’ is located at the Municipality of Dorida, Region of Fokida, Sterea Ellada, operating since 2011. Trikorfo project has an installed capacity of 30 MW downrated to 24 MW consisting of 10 Vestas wind turbines V90 3MW with the average annual production exceeding 40GWh. The project…

Perdikovouni Kalyva

0MWPerdikovouni Kalyva AIOLIKI ENERGIAKI PELOPONNISOU SINGLE MEMBER S.A. The Wind Farm ‘Perdikovouni-Kalyva’ is located at the Municipalities of Livadia & Thiva , Region of Viotia, Sterea Ellada. Perdikovouni-Kalyva project was constructed in two phases. The first phase has an installed capacity of 36 MW and consists of 12 Vestas wind turbines V90 3MW operating since…

Profitis Ilias

0MWProfitis Ilias AIOLIKI ENERGIAKI PELOPONNISOU SINGLE MEMBER S.A. The Wind Farm of Profitis Ilias is located at the Municipality of Argos-Mykines, Region of Argolida, Peloponnese. Profitis Ilias project was constructed in two phases. The first phase has an installed capacity of 30 MW and consists of 10 Vestas wind turbines V90 3MW operating since the…


0MWRovas AIOLIKI ENERGIAKI PELOPONNISOU SINGLE MEMBER S.A. The Wind Farm of Rovas is located at the Municipality of Kisamos, Region of Chania, Crete, operating since 2006. Rovas project has an installed capacity of 9,35MW with an average annual production exceeding 30GWh and consists of 11 Vestas wind turbines V52 850 KW. The project allows saving…


0MWDidima AIOLIKI ENERGIAKI PELOPONNISOU SINGLE MEMBER S.A. The Wind Farm of Didima is located at the Municipality of Ermionida, Region of Argolida, Peloponesse, operating since 2006. Didima project has an installed capacity of 36MW with an average annual production of about 60GWh and consists of 12 Vestas Wind turbines V90 3MW. The project allows saving…